need a review?
Check out our reviewer directory below filled with black bloggers, beta readers, booktubers, book clubs, and reviewers!
Fallon Hamilton
Blogger Name: F. Renee Hamilton
Preferred Genre(s): Lifestyle, Law, Inspirational
Best Contact: Instagram or Email
Sherring Dartiguenave
Blogger Name: Just Sherring
Preferred Genre(s): Memoirs, Personal essay collections, Fiction
Preferred Contact Method: Email
Additional Information: My blog is a mix of book reviews, personal essays and other random thoughts.
Preferred Genre(s): Self-Care, Wellness
Best Contact: Website
Latina’s Thoughts
Preferred Genre(s): Romance
Best Contact: Instagram
Leslie Paul
Blogger Name: FoxyBookLover
Preferred Genre(s): Romance, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller
Best Contact: Email
Ashlee Doris
Preferred Genre(s): YA and Fantasy
Best Contact: Email
Lynell Hodge
Blogger Name: Weekend Reader
Preferred Genre(s): Romance, Mystery/Suspense/Feminist Lit/Graphic Novels
Best Contact: Website contact form or Email
Theresa Peters
Blogger Name: Between the Covers Literary
Preferred Genre(s): Contemporary Romance
Best Contact: Email or Instagram
Blogger Name: SoulRenity
Preferred Genre(s): Self-Help
Best Contact: Email or Website
Kendra Black
Blogger Name: KayBee
Preferred Genre(s): Fiction – Romance, Paranormal, Erotica, Cozy Mystery
Best Contact: The "Submit Your Work" tab via my website.
Christina Maddox
Blogger Name: Madd Black Reads
Preferred Genre(s): Fiction
Best Contact: Email or DM on Instagram
Additional Information: Can also review ARCs
Fortune Nwaeke
Blogger Name: The Readers Hut
Preferred Genre(s):Romance, Self-Help, Memoirs
Best Contact: Instagram or Email
Crystal Forte
Preferred Genre(s): Thrillers and African-American Lit.
Best Contact: DM on Instagram
Additional Information: I am a school teacher. I am also pursuing my PhD in literacy and at-risk youth.
Rosalyn Jones
Blogger Name: Melaninbibliophile
Preferred Genre(s): Black literature (African-American, African, Afro-Carribbean, etc.)
Best Contact: Follow me on Twitter, and I'll follow back. Then, please send me a direct message.
Vontress Renae
Blogger Name: Written By Vontress
Preferred Genre(s): N/A
Best Contact: Website or Email
Additional Information: I also have an editing company called Butterfly Rose Editing
Diane Rembert
Blogger Name: Diamond’s Literary World
Preferred Genre(s): All except Paranormal
Best Contact: Inbox on Facebook or Instagram
Blogger Name: Shelly's Book Corner
Preferred Genre(s): Romance, Young Adult, Fiction
Best Contact: Email
Shay Davis
Blogger Name: Shay Davis Pens
Preferred Genre(s): Contemporary and Erotica
Best Contact: Email
Natalya Muncuff
Blogger Name: The Island Reader
Preferred Genre(s): Romance
Best Contact: Email
Now Booking
Preferred Genre(s): Romance
Best Contact: DM on Instagram
Nicole Belvedere
Nicole Belvdere
Preferred Genre(s): Fiction
Best Contact: Email
Maya Hollinshead
Blogger Name: The Reading Diva
Preferred Genre(s): Fiction, Non-Fiction, Bios, Some YA
Best Contact: Email
Blogger Name: IntrovertInterrupted
Preferred Genre(s): African-American Fiction, Young Adult Fiction, SFF
Best Contact: Email
Preferred Genre(s): Romance
Best Contact: Twitter
Hotgirl Bookclub
Preferred Genre(s): African-American Literature
Best Contact: Email
Additional Information: A new digital book club starting out and looking to connect with more followers. We read a new book each month and discuss it on our monthly podcast.
Funmi Baker
Preferred Genre(s): Romance
Best Contact: Instagram and Email
Additional Information: Black Romance Blogger who promotes diverse books, characters, and plots!
Sam + Strahan
Blogger Name: Damn It, Sam
Preferred Genre(s): N/A
Best Contact: Email
Tiffany Richardson
Tiffany Richardson
Preferred Genre(s): Diverse
Best Contact: Email
Additional Information: We specialize in indie authors of color.
Jenise Lavonne
Preferred Genre(s): Christianity/Marriage/Lifestyle
Best Contact: Email
Crystal Luckey
Blogger Name: My Luv of Books
Preferred Genre(s): Romance, Urban Fiction, Suspense
Best Contact: Email
Additional Information: You can also DM me for reviews and beta reading.
Victoria Stanton
Blogger Name: Queen Hustle V
Preferred Genre(s): Romance
Best Contact: Email or Instagram
Additional Information: I also manage @mackiddallas.
Trevann Hamilton
Preferred Genre(s): Personal Finance and Lifestyle
Best Contact: Email
Alexis Lawson
Blogger Name: HerBlackHand
Preferred Genre(s): Fiction, Lifestyle, College Life
Best Contact: Email
Hope Danyelle
Blogger Name: Hope in Black
Preferred Genre(s): Lifestyle, Horror Writer, Fashion
Best Contact: Email or Instagram
Additional Information: You can also DM me for reviews and beta reading.
Chris Lowry
Blogger Name: Fictional Addiction
Preferred Genre(s): No preference
Best Contact: Email
Additional Information: Our platform includes interviews and book reviews.
Bria McPhee
Blogger Name: BriaSpeaksLife
Preferred Genre(s): Christianity, Self-help, Romance, Children’s books
Best Contact: Email or Instagram
Additional Information: Our platform includes interviews and book reviews.
Chakana Samuel
Preferred Genre(s): Urban Fiction, Contemporary Romance, YA Contemporary or Fiction
Best Contact: Email or Social Media DM
Carol Kelley
Blogger Name: Books and Stick
Preferred Genre(s): Fiction, non-fiction, poetry
Best Contact: Email
Tangela Fleming
Blogger Name: Lit Convos with MP
Preferred Genre(s): No preference
Best Contact: Email
Diana Groves
Blogger Name: Hopeful Heartbreakers Book Blog
Preferred Genre(s): Fiction, No Preference
Best Contact: Email or Website
Andrea Davis
Blogger Name: Miss Dre | So She Writes by Miss Dre
Preferred Genre(s): YA fiction, romance, memoir, self-help, poetry
Best Contact: Email
Celia D
Preferred Genre(s): ContemporaryLit, Romance (YA, NA, Adult)
Best Contact: Email
Darlene Ringo
Blogger Name: She Reads Fire
Preferred Genre(s): Urban Romance, Urban Fantasy
Best Contact: Email, Website, Instagram DM
K. McCoy
Blogger Name: Author K. McCoy
Preferred Genre(s): Poetry, Romance (AMBW, Contemporary, Erotica, Historical, IR/ Multi-racial), Science Fiction
Best Contact: Email
Nekita Jackson
Blogger Name: LiterallyLuxe
Preferred Genre(s): Romance, YA fiction, graphic novels, and children's literature
Best Contact: Email or Author Relations on Website
Jaelyn Robinson
Blogger Name: J. Lynae
Preferred Genre(s): Black Romance, Urban Romance, Urban Fiction, Street Lit
Best Contact: Email
Valerie Jones
Blogger Name: VJ the Ready Writer
Preferred Genre(s): Fiction
Best Contact: Email
Lavada Talley
Preferred Genre(s): Romance, Thriller, Paranormal, Horror, Fantasy, Speculative Fiction, Erotica, Urban Lit
Best Contact: Email or Social Media
Marilyn Damond
Blogger Name: Stories and S’mores
Preferred Genre(s): Fantasy, Romance, Historical Fiction, Science Fiction, YA
Best Contact: Email
Deshay Cunningham
Blogger Name: Technically Speaking
Preferred Genre(s): Fiction Romance, Fiction Thriller, Fiction Mystery, Non-Fiction
Best Contact: Email
Caroline Dcruz
Blogger Name: Chapter Chats With Caroline
Preferred Genre(s): Mystery/thriller, Historical fiction, General fiction, Short stories/novella, recipe books, Crochet books
Children’s book
Best Contact: Blog Form or Email
Nelita Aromona
Blogger Name: Readbynels
Preferred Genre(s): Fantasy, Thriller, Romance
Best Contact: Email or Instagram DM
Brittany Flythe
Blogger Name: Bebe Flight
Preferred Genre(s): Self-Help, Romance, Memoirs
Best Contact: Email
Morgan Upshaw
Blogger Name: Style and Savings
Preferred Genre(s): Contemporary Fiction, Mystery, Thriller
Best Contact: Instagram
Lisa White
Blogger Name: Babeinlibrary
Preferred Genre(s): Romance, Historical fiction, Contemporary, Fantasy, Thriller/suspense
Best Contact: Email or DM
Shatell Bell
Blogger Name: TellsOfABibliophile
Preferred Genre(s): Urban Fiction , Urban Romance , Urban Erotica , Urban Thriller
Best Contact: Email or DM
Patrice Grimball
Blogger Name: SCbookGal
Preferred Genre(s): All Genres
Best Contact: Email or DM
Chanel Jones
Blogger Name: Whispers_By_Jasmine
Preferred Genre(s): Contemporary fiction, Historical romance
Fantasy, Thriller
Best Contact: Email or DM
Myesha Ramsey
Blogger Name: The Marz Edit
Preferred Genre(s): Adult Fiction, Self- Help, Personal development, Biography, Sci-Fi
Best Contact: Email or DM
Tranise Robinson
Blogger Name: ReadwithTre
Preferred Genre(s): Romance, Urban Fiction, Mystery/Thriller, Horror
Best Contact: Email or DM
Dehlia Scott
Blogger Name: Media Matinées
Preferred Genre(s): Romance (contemporary, LGBT+, Romcom, Romantasy, etc), Fantasy, Thriller/Mystery, Young Adult/New Adult
Best Contact: Email or DM
Livhuwani Malelelo
Preferred Genre(s): All in African Literature: Historical Fiction, Feminist literature, Romance novels, Non-Fiction, Coming into Age
Best Contact: Email
Jenese Cunningham
Blogger Name: GirlBeYou
Preferred Genre(s): Romance, Fiction, Mystery Thriller, Historical Fiction
Best Contact: Email
Tory Rotimi-Williams
Blogger Name: Tory
Preferred Genre(s): Romance, Thrillers Fantasy, Romantasy, Historical Fiction
Best Contact: Email or DM
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